Trophies Index (Page 1)

The IVL gave out trophies for a couple of years and then tried something different. Ursula Diederichsen (Awards In Glass) designed and made stained glass individual and team awards just for the IVL over the course of several seasons. They were very popular with the players during that time.

Photo 3 Several of the individual awards that were given to each member on a first place team. Some people hung these in their office at work.
Photo 2 A few of the team awards.
Photo 1 More of the individual awards.

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Industrial Volleyball League, Inc.
Kirk Anderson, Director
947 Emerald Hill Road
Redwood City, CA 94061
650-365-2666 9am-5pm M-F
650-367-0881 (fax)

The IVL Home Page is provided by Paul Sander