The Libero
We hope this will encourage some teams to show up with perhaps an extra
player, so there will be fewer times teams
are forced to play short-handed when one person is late
or doesn't show.
Only one Libero will be allowed per team, per game.
The Libero may replace any player, of either gender, in a back row position.
The Libero may serve, but cannot block or attempt to block. The Libero may not
spike a ball from anywhere if at the moment of contact the ball is entirely
higher than the top of the net. A teammate may not spike a ball, if the ball
is contacted when it is completely higher than the net, if it is coming from
an overhead pass using the fingers by the Libero if the Libero sets while in
front of the ten-foot line. The ball may be freely attacked if the Libero
makes the same set from behind the ten-foot line. (In other words, the
Libero may not hand set a ball while in front of the ten-foot line, but can,
from behind the ten-foot line).
When the Libero replaces a player in the back row, only the player whom
he/she replaced may replace the Libero. After the Libero is replaced, he/she
must stay out one rally before replacing another player in the back row.
Replacements take place while the ball is out of play before the first
referee blows the whistle for service.
In the IVL: The coed rule is in force at all times (at least two members of
the opposite sex on the floor).
If a team uses a female libero,
they would already need to have two other female players on the floor (since
the libero must stay out for 1 rally when they leave the floor).
You cannot use the libero if your team is short-handed. You must have at
least 7 players to use the libero.
For now: Teams can substitute and use the libero, but they cannot rotate and
use the libero.
Suggestion: When a libero enters the game, until everyone gets
used to it, the libero should announce "Libero in" to the ref when entering
the game and "Libero out" when being replaced.
A libero can only enter the game during a dead ball. Once the
whistle for serve has been blown, a libero change cannot be made.
If a team member suffers an injury and cannot continue, the libero may
replace the injured
player in the lineup, losing his/her libero status in the process. If the
libero is injured and the
team has an eighth player available, that player may replace the libero.
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Industrial Volleyball League, Inc.
Kirk Anderson, Director
947 Emerald Hill Road
Redwood City, CA 94061
650-365-2666 9am-5pm M-F
650-367-0881 (fax)
IVL Home Page
is provided by
Paul Sander